Why we shoot this? detail shots in wedding videography
[Why we shoot this] A shot list breakdown series.
Number 1 - Detail shots
At Sen Studio, we believe the small, intimate details that make a wedding unique and memorable.
A groom’s wearing his father’s watch, a bride that is repeating her grandmother legacy by walking down the aisle with the same gown she did half a century ago.
These shots that include wedding dress, jewelry, flowers, table settings, and other decorative elements that the bride and groom have chosen to incorporate into their special day will allow us to tell the story in a way that both beautiful and meaningful.
Details shots also help to add variety to the video, breaking up the footage of the main events and adding a sense of texture and richness to the overall visual experience.
That is why at Sen Studio, details shots are a crucial component of our wedding videography that makes our film more engaging and memorable final products that the couple and their loved ones will treasure for years to come.
Sen Studio - A boutique wedding photography/videography studio
Contact us now for your first initial wedding videography consultation!!
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